Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Need for the Social Networking Protection Act Essay

Introduction The rapidly increasing growth of social media has surpassed legislation that is currently in place. Any information that individuals display onto their social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and so on, is being used by numerous employers around the world in order to gain additional knowledge of employees and applicants. When there are no laws that are set in place to ban such behavior, it becomes a conventional occurrence amongst employers. Social media websites have developed into a widespread communication instrument for personal and professional affairs. Therefore, employers will naturally want to gain access to these websites, especially the websites of their employees and potential employees to†¦show more content†¦This Act addresses the current problem head on by seeking to outlaw current and potential employers from requesting login information to personal social media websites. Not only does the Act deal with employers but also schools and unive rsities. The employers in each of these sectors will not be able to demand any login information to punish, discriminate or refuse employment, and the employees will not be punished for declining to hand over the information. Additionally, this bill will protect the personal privacy of employees, potential job applicants, current students and potential students. Statement of the Problem This proposed legislation is intended to stop a rising trend of employers and schools seeking social media passwords from their students, employees and prospective students and employees. Too many schools and employers feel the need to know every detail, private or public, about the people they want in their agencies. Everyone in this world, who has a job, wants to get a job, goes to school, or wants to get into a school is affected by this problem. Employers want to gather masses of information about their employees and potential employees they want to hire in order to make sure they are hiring respectable people. Schools want to gather information from students and potential students for the same reason. However, schools are now being pressured to gather information on their students’ social media sitesShow MoreRelatedPrivacy Issues in Social Media Essay1278 Words   |  6 Pages Privacy Issues in Social Media Social Media is a current way in which people are using to interact with one another daily. Since the launch of various Social Networking Sites (SNS) its been a huge attraction in a new way to share information with others and correspond with interests of your choice in many different forms. Although social media sites allow users to share information with friends and other sites on the internet, many people are unaware of how their privacy is getting out. 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