Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cancer Treatments - 1280 Words

Cancer Treatments Theresa Nelson COM 156 04/13/2014 Dr. Patricia Lally Cancer Treatments In the past, just saying the word cancer usually meant a death sentence. That assumption could not be more wrong with the medical technology of today. New cancer treatment options coupled with early detection have strongly diminished the number of deaths from a cancer diagnosis. New evidence shows that treating not just the body but the mind and the soul can go a long way in the amount of time a person can live with cancer. In 2013, Lung cancer and breast cancer were the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States(Encyclopedia Brittanica, 2014). Lung cancer symptoms do not show themselves until the disease hits a†¦show more content†¦Homeopathic therapies are often treatments that use plant, mineral and animal extracts and are not always looked at in the medical community as being very effective. This alternative form of medicine originated in Germany over 200 years ago (NCCAM, 2013). While homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA, they are not monitored for either safety or effectiveness. Like chemotherapy, the treatment can be administered in several different ways such as sugar pills, ointments, gels, creams and tablets. Supporters of homeopathy point to two unconventional theories: like cures like—the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people; and law of minimum dose—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness(NCCAM, May 2013). Homeopathic remedies are often d iluted with water or alcohol and they may cause some side effects and drug interactions. Holistic treatment is the art of healing that addresses the care of the whole person, body, mind and spirit (AHMA, n.d.). The practice integrates both the conventional methods of treatment with complementary methods for a total overall care regimen. While holistic practitioners do work closely with medical doctors they are still considered medical doctors in their own rights. Holistic physicians work based on the belief that people have their own healing powers, the object is to treat the person not the disease and that healingShow MoreRelatedTreatment Of Cancer : Cancer1367 Words   |  6 PagesApproach to Care: Cancer The diagnosis of cancer makes one to be depressed, lonely hopeless and helpless due to the fear of unknown. It is very difficult for one to understand the true nature of this disease as there is no definite cure. Anyone diagnosed with cancer need to be supported emotionally together with the family members. Treatment of cancer requires an extensive treatment, early detection is very useful in the management of a cancer patient. WHAT IS CANCER? Cancer consists of group ofRead MoreThe Treatment Of Cancer And Cancer2226 Words   |  9 PagesCancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. 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The presence of disease is not always obvious; therefore, it is imperative for individuals to participate in screening interventions to promote early detection. Cancer diagnosis and treatment requires a patient-centeredRead MoreBreast Cancer And Cancer Treatment1253 Words   |  6 Pagesthe idea of a cancer makes people anxious and terrified. There are many different types of cancers, in which are not less dangerous then the other, if not caught on time. Although it is the year 2015 and there has been an extraordinary amount of medical advances in cancer treatment, there is still no cure. This lead s to mysterious thoughts of cancer returning, to people all over the world. Cancer in the bones can play an enormous part in other body parts if not caught on time. Cancers such as breastRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Cancer Treatments1664 Words   |  7 Pagesdealing with cancer treatments now, slight flaws in our practice after therapy have been present; in doing so, patients have experienced personal and emotional discomfort after therapy. Addressing these issues can become informal to patients, as technology have made it easier for our daily procedures to become convenient. The underlining cause of some confusion is not the patients fault but lack of communication from the health care provider after. Therefore, introducing the drawbacks of cancer treatmentRead MorePrevention And Treatment Of Cancer Treatment2653 Words   |  11 Pages Has enough research been done for childhood cancer treatment? 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A relatively new approach towards cancer treatment is targeted

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