Sunday, December 29, 2019

Social Networking And Its Effects On Society - 988 Words

Nowadays everyone has accounts on multiple social networking sites and they spend a lot of time on updating the developments in their daily life and uploading various media like pictures and videos. People really enjoy doing this kind of activity, to be able to communicate with their friends, family members, and also meet new people. For certain people who use social networking as a marketing forum, this is an effective method. However social networking comes with its own share of negative effects on people. It is indeed true that the way social networking revolutionized the communication channels and brought thr world closer but one should also be wary of its ill effects. A general assumption is that communication technologies help to increase and strengthen social ties. (Cheryl L. Coyle, 2008). Addiction People are getting addicted to using the social networking even to update mundane things in life. Jerry ruined his life because of his addiction to such sites. Soon he lost his job and his family too. This made him ask himself if there was something wrong about social networking. This eventually led to the founding of Media Addicts Association (SMAA). It is a forum that helps people share their stories and help them overcome their addiction to social networking sites as Facebook and Twitter (Das, 2011). The amount of impact that social networking has had on people is emphasized by a survey which revealed some astounding results 56% percent of the US citizens check or logShow MoreRelatedSocial Networking and Effects on Society1326 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Networking and Effects on Society Wouldn’t you say that online social networking has changed the way society interacts with friends, family and perfect strangers. When someone exposes themselves to these sites, they open the door to allow these people into their lives. Some of them you would have passed on the street and not even thought of befriending. These people you have chosen to interact with, whether they are in your city, another state, another country or just someone you met onlineRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effect On Society1303 Words   |  6 Pagestechnology, online social networking has taken on society by storm. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram are just to name a few of the objects of mass consumption and insatiable obsession. Those online social network sites have become an influential and integral aspect in our daily lives. They have a tremendous impact on society through its persistently active users, whether or not it is directly or indirectly. In fact, the stability and well being of society revolve around social media due to itsRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effect On Society917 Words   |  4 PagesAdvancing technology has played a part in the new methods of communication and with being very social creatures, who experiment with new ways of socializing, have found a new way to connect. Social Networking websites have changed how the world connects with friends and family, changing from the traditional ways of connecting with others like face-to-face connections. Many concerned themselves that social networking friendships centered on expectations that sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, andRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effects On Society2163 Words   |  9 PagesSocial networking is an online community of people with a common interest who use a website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information and resources, according to Webster. There are countless social networking sites that make it possible to esta blish connections between people. Some of the most popular sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. These social sites make it easier for people to find and communicate with others that share the same network. AlthoughRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effect On Society1997 Words   |  8 Pagesmodern times, technological advancement has greatly improved the social benefits within society. A vastly growing percentage of young people across America are growing more proficient in using the internet for communication across their country to international regions. In the year 2009, a national survey was conducted for individuals between the ages of eight to eighteen years, where the average time adolescents spent on any form of social media was more than 7.5 hours of a day. Once the average timeRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effects On Society3236 Words   |  13 Pages When we hear the word â€Å"social networking† what comes to mind is: Facebook, Twitter, Insta gram, Myspace, OoVoo and so on. While accessing these trendy resources, we can interact with others by messaging, video chatting, live streaming, instant chatting and overall fast pace communication. Society as we know it has evolved tremendously in regards to the way we communicate and interact with one another. There is a significant difference between the way we used to get in touch with our families andRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Society1317 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Social Networking Intro Over half of the world uses the internet. 2.2 billion people actively use any kind of social networking. There were 176 million new users of social media just last year (Regan 1). With the influence of so many people a pressing question: Is the impact of social media harmful or beneficial in its effects? Social networking is one of the biggest reports of online traffic. So, if so many people are using these networking sites, what are the effects on us? The â€Å"first†Read MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Society1545 Words   |  7 PagesSheena Gonzales Instructor Mushett Eng-123 10 June, 2015 The Effects of Social Networking Social networking websites (further referred to as SNS) are web based platforms in which people connect to other individuals that they already have a real-life connection to, locate individuals they have shared interests with, and they allow users to share information with others such as photographs, life events and thoughts. Being able to keep current with one s personal group quickly and easily is one ofRead MoreThe Effects of Social Networking upon Society1100 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Introduction: Social networking is a network of sites is very effective in facilitating social life among a group of acquaintances and friends , and enable old friends to connect to each other and after a long year , and enable them to also communicate the visual and audio and share images and other possibilities that solidified social relationship between them. Featured social networking such as : ( Facebook – WatsApp - Twitter – Skype - MySpace - LIVE Boone - Hi- Five - Orkut - Tagd - YouTubeRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Society1767 Words   |  8 PagesThe Effects of Social Networking Social networking websites (further referred to as SNS) are web based platforms in which people connect to other individuals that they already have a real-life connection to, locate individuals they have shared interests with, and they allow users to share information with others such as photographs, life events and thoughts. Being able to keep current with one s personal group quickly and easily is one of the reasons SNS have become so mainstream (McKensie 436)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Controversies On Native American Names - 1898 Words

Dajana Nalvarte Sociology November 10, 2014 Controversies on Native American Names For many years several schools, sports, companies, things, and mascots have their names named after Native Americans. The Native Americans have been fighting to take their names back after so many years. They feel that it is an offensive expression to use their names on things and want the names to be changed to something else. Then you have the opposing side that say the name is a form of positive respect towards the Native Americans. This becomes a controversy amongst both sides because both have different opinions on what the names stand for. Throughout the United States about 4,600 schools use Native Americans names for their teams and mascot (99; pt.3). These schools use logos of people, animals, and cartoon characters of the Native American to represent their teams (99; pt. 3). For example, Huntley High School in Huntley, III has used a Native American name for their sports team, and mascot for about 70 year (99; pt. 3). Not only is the school recognized for being the Redskins, but they have been using the name Redskins respectfully for all these years (99; pt.3). Even though the school is proud of the name and use it as a positive symbol others say they are degrading and offended the Native Americans (99; pt. 3). It started with protesters that wanted the school to change their names to something else. The school officials wanted to calm down these protesters soShow MoreRelatedTelevision And Radio Stations Should Be Banned From Repeatedly Saying The Name Of The Washington Redskins1360 Words   |  6 PagesCommission decision on whether TV and radio stations should be banned from repeatedly saying the name of the Washington Redskins. I will be responding to an original opinion editorial in the LA Times titled â€Å"FCC has no business regulating the name of a football team†, by the Times Editorial Board. The opinion stated in he editorial is correct by claiming the FCC should not get involved with regulating the team name of the Washington Redskins. The FCC enforces whether words that are inappropriate or racistRead MoreThe Washington Redskins Name Controversy1106 Words   |  5 PagesRedskins Name Controversy Should the Washington Redskins change their team name due to controversy with Native Americans? That has been the questions since the 1980s. There are many different views on the issue. Some people believe the name should stay, some insist it should be changed, and others are ultimately indifferent. In the end, changing the name is the definite right choice, the Washington Redskins name is offensive to the Native American people and therefore it must go. The name is not onlyRead MoreThe use of Native Americans as mascots or team names has developed an issue that has been drawing600 Words   |  3 PagesThe use of Native Americans as mascots or team names has developed an issue that has been drawing controversy in today’s society. The question that must be asked then is: Why do we as a society quietly permit such disrespectful and hurtful conduct towards Native Americans continue, without taking any affirmative action to restrict it? Having people who run around in war paint and headdresses whooping it up at the sport games doesn’t honor anyone’s culture. It just praises racism and encourages peopleRead MoreEssay on Ethics of Native American Mascots1103 Words   |  5 Pages3 December 2011 Ethics of Native American Mascots Ethics of Native American mascots is a controversial topic and should not be argued against because they are used ethically, complementary, and respectfully. The Native American Mascot controversy is a topic that has presented itself in recent years all across the country. Though there have been some issues, complaints, and moral questions brought up about the Native American mascot dilemma by a minority group of people, there is no legitimate argumentRead MoreNative American Controversy Essays837 Words   |  4 PagesNative American Controversy â€Å"People ask me why I don’t just let this go. It’s all in the past, they say. I tell them that there is no past tense in the Cheyenne language. The past is not gone. As I stand here before you, all of my ancestors stand with me.† ...Suzan Shown Harjo This controversy of using Native American mascots has been origins that are engrained deeply into Indian and Non-Indian relationsRead MoreAnalyzing Team Names and Mascots by S. L. Prices Article, The Indian Wars977 Words   |  4 Pagesof Native American names and mascots used in sports teams in high school, college, and professional levels. The article is written for Sports Illustrated and offers readers an insight into this debate whether indigenous symbols in sports are honoring or insulting in Native Americans. The author addresses this topic with evidence of both sides of the issue, and leaves the reader aware of the topic and its unclear stance in today’s society. This article examines the controversy of using Native AmericanRead MoreEssay on Native American Mascots Are Racist594 Words   |  3 PagesDoes the symbol chosen have any impact on whether a team wins or loses? Unlikely. But the choice of a Native American mascot continues to ignite debate and controversy a mong athletes, fans and alumni, as well as those people who might otherwise be disinterested in sports. Utilizing an Indian mascot is nothing more than a veiled attempt at hate speech. The dispute over whether Native American mascots should be used as a team symbol dates back to the 1970’s (Price 2). People differ on the basicRead More The Debate Regarding the Use of Native American Mascots Essay1353 Words   |  6 Pagesthe choice of a Native American mascot continues to ignite debate and controversy among athletes, fans and alumni, as well as those people who might otherwise be disinterested in sports. Why all the controversy? The dispute over whether Native American mascots should be used as a team symbol dates back to the 1970’s (Price 2). There are those who are passionately against Native American mascots. These advocators insist that Native American mascots are degrading to the native population and theRead MoreThe Controversy Of Indian Mascots Essay1261 Words   |  6 PagesThe controversy of Indian mascots is a widespread issue seen across the U.S.;is it racist , or is it justified? From different viewpoints from many people the answers vary from group to group.I believe it is not racist and believe that it is honoring. Natives should have the final say, but regular americans still step in and want a say in the whole issue. The Indian mascot has been used all across the U.S. ranging from elementary schools all the way to college and professional sports teams. â€Å"In factRead MoreNative Americans : Native American People, Supports Nostalgic Feelings, And Saves1068 Words   |  5 Pageswh ole subject has been a controversy because there is basically two sides to the issue. One of the sides is in agreement to keep these imageries who â€Å"honor† Native American people, supports nostalgic feelings, and saves funding. The opposing sides believes that if these images are kept then they are being offensive and degrading Native Americans since perpetuates negative stereotypes about Native Americans. One thing we do not pay much attention to is the way the Native Americans feel due to this. They

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Single Case Research Methodology and Design †

Question: Discuss about the Single Case Research Methodology and Design. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to identify an appropriate research methodology management for the given research topic related to the uses of health wristband and application of health bar. The purpose of this methodology is to propose research method that can be applicable to resolve the research problem with the help of a definite framework. The benefits and limitations of the proposed research methodology will also be mentioned in the given paper. With the help of the proposed methodology it is possible to make suitable conclusion for the given research work. Typical research Method can be carried out with three types of Research Design which includes descriptive, exploratory and hypothesis testing study. The descriptive Research Design helps in detail understanding of the investigated data that is related to the research work. An investigation of the previous research that is relevant to the existing study is also considered as a major source of information (Mackey and Gass 2015). On the other hand exploratory Research Design considers both types of collected data which is also collected from survey of the selected sample which is essential part of the research work. There is also the hypothesis mode of testing study, which aims to verify some of the existing hypothesis that has already been cited in the previous research work and is thereby able to predict the outcome of the current research study. Existing research work with focus upon both exploratory and hypothesis design study, which will help the researchers the focus upon the work of previously conductor study related to the use of Health wristbands and health applications and thereby able to justify the existing hypothesis. The two main types of research philosophy that can be used by the researchers include positivism and interpretivism management (Flick 2015). The theory of positivism research philosophy deals with the research problem according to the truths and real facts that are relevant to the area of Investigation. It is possible to make effective logical analysis of the collected data with the help of this research philosophy. There is also the interpretivist theory, depends upon the People's perspective for the subject that is relevant to the existing research work. This will be the chosen form of philosophy for investing upon the application of health wristbands among the people of the society. This will help to understand the impact of Healthcare Technology on the mind-set of the society. It will also help to suggest popular solutions to investigate upon the impact of Healthcare technology which is in the form of using Health Care applications and health wristbands that have on the people of the society. Quantitative research methods The purpose of the quantitative research according to Humphries (2017), is to emphasize upon the measurement of statistical and mathematical data that are collected relevant to the current research study. The data for the given case can be collected with the help of interview, survey, opinion polls. Proper questionnaires are designed in order to ensure relevant data can be collected from the chosen sample of the research work. The main purpose of the quantitative research method is to focus on the numerical data and thereby able to derive a General hypothesis related to the existing research work. This can help to explain a particular phenomenon, which is best on the existing research problem. It is also possible to establish a relationship between two variables, which can be independent or dependent of the existing outcomes. One of the main characteristics of the quantitative research is to deal the data that cannot be changed or modified according to the given situation as it can compromise upon the quality of the research that is done by manipulation of the existing collected data. Computer software statistical analysis tools are used for data analysis and making interpretation of the collected information. The data interpreted in the form of numerical analysis and by arranging the same in the form of tables, charts and figures are other forms of non-textual variables (Vaioleti 2016). All forms of the Research Design are made much before the relevant data has been collected. It is also relevant to mention that the collected data is only gathered from structured research instruments, which can help to ensure the authenticity and relevancy of the data. Moreover, research study design can be replicated or repeated that can help to improve upon the reliability of the conclusion that is made by the research ers. It is however important for the researchers, to clearly define the Research question. Qualitative research method The qualitative research method is selected depending upon the name of the existing study, which can be relevant to some of the social aspects and methods of existing research work (Panneerselvam 2014). This type of research method is based upon exploratory Research Design, which is aimed to highlight upon the underlying reasons for the research hypothesis. It can also help to uncover the deeper thoughts and opinions that are associated with the research problem. The quantitative Data Collection method is usually done through unstructured or semi structured techniques, which cannot ensure the authenticity of the collected data. The sample size is usually small due to the fact that the researchers want to restrict their findings only upon a fixed sample size. The qualitative research method is believed to be one of the rigorous ways to highlight upon the social issues that is related to the research problems. The interview and survey that is conducted for qualitative research method will focus only upon a particular group of people within the society. In the given case of analysing the impact of Healthcare technology which includes Healthcare wristbands and Healthcare mobile applications, the researcher will use quantitative research method, which will help them to collect and analyse the statistical data. It can also help the researcher to focus upon wider range of audience, which will help to analyse the impact of Healthcare Technology among different sections of the society. Properly structured survey will help to ensure, that it is possible to focus upon the research problem. From the collected numerical data it is possible to properly analyse the uses of Healthcare Technology. On the other hand in qualitative research method, it is not possible to focus upon the impact of Healthcare Technology among wider range of people within the society. The proper statistical and software tools that are used in quantitative research Method can be also effective to deal with the complexity of the impact of the Healthcare Technology that is associated among different section of people within the society. Data Collection Methods There are two types of Data Collection method that are primarily used in all research methods. This includes primary and secondary form of Data Collection. In primary data collection the researchers, is dependent upon survey and interview along with opinion polls in order to collect the relevant data. This type of Data Collection process allows the researchers to directly interact with the selected sample size and thereby able to collect the latest form of data relevant to the research subject. On the other hand secondary form of Data Collection is used gather information from the previous being conducted research work of the relevant topic that is related to the current research topic (Gast and Ledford 2014). For the existing research work that is related to the application of Healthcare Technology among the people of society, researchers will mainly depend upon the primary form of Data Collection which will be later analysed using quantitative research methods. Researchers will also focus upon secondary form of Data Collection, which will be gathered from the existing literature of past research papers management. The research methods, which were previously used will also be reviewed, which will help to analyse upon the existing research methods. The major benefit of the chosen research methodology, which is dependent upon quantitative analysis is mainly due to the fact that the researchers will get the opportunity to directly interact with the define section of the society. With the help of structured Data Collection process, it is possible to ensure the reliability and authenticity of the source of information. On the other hand the major drawback is due to the complexity that is involved in the data collection process. This is mainly due to the fact that researchers will focus upon wide range of audience from the society. This can also increase the risk of collecting vague and irrelevant data and thereby compromise upon the quality of the research work. The researchers will also have to face limitation due to shortage of budget and time, which will not allow them to collect wide range of data that is essential for the selected research method. Reference Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Gast, D.L. and Ledford, J.R. eds., 2014. Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge. Humphries, B., 2017. Re-thinking social research: anti-discriminatory approaches in research methodology. Taylor Francis. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design management. Routledge. Panneerselvam, R., 2014. Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Vaioleti, T.M., 2016. Talanoa research methodology: A developing position on Pacific research. Waikato Journal of Education, 12(1).